
Conference Multi-literacy of Adults in Second Languages

Place of celebration: Facultad de Derecho, Campus El Carmen, Universidad de Huelva


Día 24. Jueves/Thursday


9.00 - 9.30

Inscripción / Registration
(Hall, Facultad de Derecho)

Hall Facultad de Derecho, Campus de El Carmen

9.30 - 10.00

Inauguración / Opening conference session
(Salón de Actos)

  • Dra Reyes Alejano: Vicerrectora de Internacionalización y Compromiso Global, Universidad de Huelva.

  • Dra. M Carmen Fonseca Mora: Directora Centro InvestigaciónCOIDESO-UHU, IP. Proyecto I+D+I MultiLits. 

  • Dr. Fernando Rubio Alcalá: Director Política Lingüística, Universidad de Huelva.

  • Dra. Analí Fernández Corbacho: Coord. Proyecto Erasmus + NEver TOo LAte en UHU.


10.00 - 11.00

Plenaria 1 / Plenary session
(Salón de Actos)

Presenta: M Carmen Fonseca

  •  Emilio Lucio-Villegas (Universidad de Sevilla)

La alfabetización (aunque casi nadie quiera hablar de ella) sigue siendo un arma cargada de futuro

11.00 - 11.30

Pausa café / Coffee break
(Hall, Facultad de Derecho)

  • Exposición y presentación de pósteres con los resultados del proyecto Erasmus+ “NEver TOo LAte” Intellectual Output 1

11.30 - 14.00

Panel 1: Presentación de Comunicaciones / Communications
(Aula de Grados)

Moderador: M Carmen Fonseca

  • Javier Ávila López, University of Córdoba. Fernando D. Rubio-Alcalá, University of Huelva, Spain, and Francisco H. Machancoses, Universidad Jaume I.

Multiliteracy and Multilingualism in Adult Migrant Education

  • Ricardo das Dores, Manuel Delgado García and Sara Conde Vélez, University of Huelva.

Intercultural Competence in Higher Education: a diesel engine?

  • Bérénice Darnault, University of Barcelona

Tracing L2 Directed Motivational Currents through the narratives of senior language users: an ecological approach to lifelong language learning

  • Irmelin Kjelaas, Associate Professor, Department of Teacher Education, Norwegian University of Technology and Science

To «power up» the Language and the Student   –Multi-literacy in Norwegian L2 Training for newly Arrived Language Minority Students
  • Esther Cores-Bilbao y María Dolores Camacho Díaz, University of Huelva

Integrative (multi)literacies for the vocational inclusion of adult migrants

14.00 - 15.00

Comida / Lunch Break
(Hall, Facultad de Derecho)

15.00 - 16.30

Talleres simultáneos / Parallel workshops

  • TALLER 1: Ana Fonseca Mora (Grupo de investigación ReALL, Universidad de Huelva) Presenta: Analí Fernández (Aula de Grados)

ENTRE REFUGIADOS: Actividades prácticas en el aula de ELE

  • TALLER 2: José Manuel Foncubierta Muriel (Universidad de Huelva /UNIR) Presenta: Nuria Vaquero Ibarra (Seminario 3)

Análisis de materiales para estudiantes adultos inmigrantes: ¿hay lugar para la multimodalidad?

16.30 - 17.00

Pausa café / Coffee break
(Hall, Facultad de Derecho)

Exposición y presentación de pósteres con los resultados del proyecto Erasmus+ “NEver TOo LAte” Intellectual Output 2

17.00 - 18.00

Plenaria 2 / Plenary session 2
(Salón de Actos)

Presenta: Analí Fernández

  • Lorena García Barroso (Universidad de Columbia, Nueva York)

El universo de las "multiliteracies" en la enseñanza

 de lenguas extranjeras


Taller cultural musical / Music cultural event
(Aula de Grados de ETSI)

  • Eva Adam (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia), 

Joan Vallés, Arcadi Valiente, Paula-Yvonne Blanquer y Antonio Melià

La música como vehículo de alfabetización de adultos en segundas lenguas

Día 25. Viernes/Friday


9.00 - 10.30

Mesa redonda / Round Table
(Aula de Grados)

Formación/Alfabetización de adultos: experiencias y retos.

Moderadora:  Analí Fernández (coordinadora del proyecto Erasmus+ NEver TOo LAte) y Esther Cores (proyecto Erasmus+ FOCAL)  


  • Centro de Profesores de Huelva: Mónica Latasa 

  • Cruz Roja:  Rocío Pichardo 

  • Huelva Acoge:  Alejandra Cebrián, Protección Internacional y Miguel Ángel Polo, formador

  • Centro de Educación Permanente “Beturia” de Cartaya, José Carlos Sánchez

10.30 - 11.00

Pausa café / Coffee break
(Hall, Facultad de Derecho)

Exposición y presentación de pósteres con los resultados del proyecto Erasmus+ “NEver TOO LAte” Intellectual Output 3

11.00 - 13.00

Panel 2: Presentación de Comunicaciones /Communications
(Aula de Grados)

Presenta: José Manuel Foncubierta 

  • Kris Buyse, KU Leuven (Bélgica) / Universidad Nebrija

Mediación en la enseñanza del español: el caso de los hablantes de herencia

  • Ariadna Saiz Mingo, Universidad de Burgos

Palabras edulcoradas: alfabetizar con fines específicos 

  • Carmen M. Toscano-Fuentes (Universidad de Huelva) y Helena Legaz-Torregrosa (Universidad de Gante)

Análisis de necesidades del profesorado de español para migrantes en centros de adultos de Huelva y su provincia

  • Helena Legaz-Torregrosa (Universidad de Gante, Bélgica), Eva Adam (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia), José María Cortés (IES Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente de Sevilla)

La música como recurso mediador en el aula de adultos migrantes: la música tradicional árabe

13.00 - 14.00

Plenaria de cierre / Closing Plenary
(Salón de Actos)

Presenta: M. Carmen Fonseca

  • Marcin Sosinski (Universidad de Granada)

Lectura extensiva en las clases con inmigrantes adultos


Clausura de las Jornadas / Conference Closing
(Salón de Actos)


Book of abstracts


NEver TOO LAte


Plenary speakers

Emilio Lucio-Villegas Ramos

Emilio Lucio-Villegas Ramos

Full Professor at the University of Seville, Spain. He has been a member of the Steering Committee of the ‘European Society for Research on the Education of the Adults’ from 2008 to 2019. From 2001 to 2008 he was head of the Master’s Degree ‘Adult Education and Community Development’. He is the author of books, articles and chapters published in English, Spanish, Catalan and Portuguese.

Lorena García Barroso

Lorena García Barroso

She is a Spanish Lecturer at Columbia University. She received her Ph.D. in Hispanic Linguistics from The Graduate Center at The City University of New York, her M.A. in Teaching Spanish as Second Language from the Menéndez Pelayo International University, her DEA from the University of Huelva and her BA in Linguistics from the Complutense University and her BA in Social and Cultural Anthropology and her BA in Journalism from the University of Seville.
She has been a Spanish Lecturer at Yale University and an Adjunct Professor at different colleges in NY, France, and Germany. Her research interests are: teaching Spanish as L2, sociolinguistics, ACD and linguistic ideologies. Her work has been published in peer-reviewed journals and book chapters.

Marcin Sosinki

Marcin Sosinki

Marcin Sosinski holds a degree in Hispanic and Slavic Philology and a PhD in Philology. He is Professor in the Department of Spanish Language at the University of Granada where he teaches Spanish as L2 subjects at undergraduate and master's level, as well as at the Menéndez Pelayo International University. His research activity focuses on the fields of Spanish as L2, sociolinguistics and phraseology. He participates in training activities for teachers working in migration contexts, especially in NGOs. He has coordinated European projects related to teacher training for adult migrant teachers and has published teaching materials for learning to read and write.

Workshop leaders

Ana Fonseca

Ana Fonseca

Philologist and language teacher, her experience revolves around the teaching of German and Spanish as foreign languages. She was director of the Huelva School of Tourism, coordinator of the ELE Area in the Languages Service of the University of Huelva, and teacher trainer in the Master’s of ELE Didactics at the University of La Rioja, among others. Since 2015, she has focused her teaching career almost exclusively on refugees. She is a member of the ReALL research group, participating in transnational projects for vulnerable and at-risk learners.

José Manuel Foncubierta

José Manuel Foncubierta

Ph.D in Educational Sciences from the University of Huelva and Ph.D. in Linguistics from the University of Louvain. Professor in the Department of Philology of the University of Huelva and in the Faculty of Education of the International University of La Rioja. Member of the ReALL research group (Research in affective language learning), her main areas of interest are the affective dimension of second language teaching and the reading process in L2.

Musical cultural workshop

La música como vehículo de alfabetización de adultos en segundas lenguas